Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Quick overview of the story

Here's a quick overview of the story:

In our interpretation of the story, the man is death (as in the grim reaper).  His wife is plump, energetic, excitable, slightly unicorn obsessed, and represents life.

From a thematic viewpoint this is a story about someone who is the embodiment of death trying to be involved in creation, vis a vis the homemaking, something he sees his wife do all the time and thinks would be simple for one such as him to do.  However, as it turns out destruction is much easier than creation, a lesson he painfully learns through this story.  His wife thrives in his job and he utterly fails at hers.

For all the deep themes of life and death, this will be a comedy.  A lot of physical humor, and a lot of comedic violence directed at death.

Death is cocky, old fashioned, and a bit set in his ways.  His wife is always looking forward, embraces change and loves bright colors, rainbows and especially unicorns.

The house that Death lives in is in the center of space and time.  It touches every place and every time.  However, death is very much a creature of habit, and thus most of the things he brings into his home are older advances, like the butter churn.  However, since his wife moved in, she has put her own touch on the environment, covering up gothic bizzare furniture with bright crocheted blankets and unicorn plushies.  The house is now an odd contrast of very bizarre and differing asthetics, a familiar situation for anyone who has moved in with someone who has different ideas on how to decorate a home.


  1. I love this. I don't know if you guys already discussed this during the meeting but I think we could totally add new text to tell our version of the story (I believe Daichi only said not to change the original text for fear of copyright infringement of other versions of this old story). I might be wrong. Yay unicorns!

  2. If adding text is allowed, I'm all for it, but we'll need to make sure it's permitted.
