Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hey Nick,

 Thanks for doing all the stuff you did. I made the file size of the 1st part smaller. I tried opening a bunch of the images in photoshop and changing the file size, but in the end it made the overall size of the flash even bigger. I wasn't quite sure why.  There's also a few bugs from before that I wasn't quite sure how to fix. Also, I can help add in some of the lightning buttons, but can I see the 2nd half/how you did it?

I put the file on the server, renamed with "b" at the end.


  1. I'm having internet problems at home, but I will upload the fla file when I get to the lab today.

    Replacing png files seems to increase the size of the fla file but decreases the exported swf. The real change in size seems to come from compressing jpg files though. That takes a sizable chunk out of both.

    As for how I did the lightning buttons, I just made a movie clip with the animation you already did, then another movie clip that motion tweened a fade in of the original movie clip but had a "stop();" command at the end. I just put that clip anywhere the story paused and required you to click on something.

  2. Just uploaded my fla file to the drive. It's called "Second Half Compile 16 New Zoom.fla"
