Saturday, March 2, 2013

Part 1 on google drive

Hey Jeanie, you said you wanted to take a look at the files to see if you could compress some of the elements, I just put the first half on the google drive.  It's called

"FirstHalfcompile 03 Pig Kick Prep 06.fla"

Go through the Library and clear out anything that's not being used and compress whatever is left as much as you can.  I've already started doing the same to the second half and it's already less than half the size that the original file was.  Also, double check Richard's scenes to make sure they are working properly.  When I put them in I had to copy each keyframe one at a time, and I was hurried so there may be some errors.  I spotted one with the space pan that I've already fixed, but there may be more in the others.

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