Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hey guys.

Lets plan to have at least all of the bgs done by Monday night, and have them all finalized with any fixes by Wednesday morning. We (at least Nick and the Vis Dev people) should have another meeting Wednesday and work together to put to put all the pages together and create the animations. Ideally we should work together on Thursday as well. Comment here with what times you are available to work together. If the BFA rooms get too crowded we can get a study room in the library.


  1. I'll take page 15 and fix up what I did for page 10+11. I am free wednesday anytime besides the hallmark thing and thursday anytime after 11am.

  2. Wednesday I'm free after the Hallmark presentation, and Thursday anytime after 5 works for me.

  3. Ill be on campus at 3 on Wednesday
