Monday, February 18, 2013

revised boards

Here are the boards I revised yesterday.  Sorry I didn't get them up last night, but the internet was down at my house, and I spent most of this morning at work.  The revised opening and ending will be up later tonight.

For the kitchen scenes really the only major change is that it is flipped.

The only real change for the cellar scene is the addition of the mug to add more context to the shot.

Once again the kitchen is flippedf, but other than that, no major changes.

A change I forgot to do in this shot was a slight zoom in from the previous kitchen churning scene.  Nothing major, and we will be able to use the same BG for it.  I'll do that along with the new opening pan and ending tonight.

The big change here is of course his exit from the shot.

the changes on this one are mostly minor shifts in attitude and speed in a few areas.

 I tried to make this page actually show rather than imply a house.  I also changed the chimney to make it smaller and consistent with the one we previously saw in the kitchen.  We can change these back if people prefered it the other way though.


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